Interior Finishes

Interior Finishes

The importance of indoor coatings and finishes cannot be stressed enough. It's not just drywall assemblies. Paints and finishes can also pose health concerns.

The glues, binders and finishes in cabinets, countertops, and carpeting are among the many items we need to consider. "Chipboard" cabinets, laminates, and carpets can contain very high levels of strong VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) that should be avoided.

The information below is given only as a small sampling of the places you will find information about VOC'S and their affect on ones physical well being. Because of the many variables associated with VOC's, and the many different ways they affect every person, we are not able to make claims that support any information from these resources.

We do believe, for every product containing VOC's that you are able to eliminate from your indoor environment, you will breathe a little easier.